
Si miramos en el Diccionario Collins veremos que la voz inglesa "benchmark" equivale al español cota o punto topográfico, y que "benchmark price" es nuestro precio de referencia.

Diccionario español de neologismos. 2013.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Benchmarking in der Betriebswirtschaft — Benchmarking (engl. Benchmark = „Maßstab“, steht für eine Bezugs oder Richtgröße) bezeichnet in der Betriebswirtschaft eine Managementmethode, mit der sich durch zielgerichtete Vergleiche unter mehreren Unternehmen das jeweils beste als Referenz… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Benchmark — Benchmarking (= Maßstäbe vergleichen) bezeichnet die vergleichende Analyse von Ergebnissen oder Prozessen mit einem festgelegten Bezugswert oder Vergleichsprozess (von engl..Benchmark ) Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Anwendungen 2 Etymologie 3… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Benchmark — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El benchmark es una técnica utilizada para medir el rendimiento de un sistema o componente del mismo, frecuentemente en comparación con el cual se refiere específicamente a la acción de ejecutar un benchmark. La… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Benchmarking (geolocating) — Benchmarking is an activity in which individuals or teams of participants go out and find benchmarks (also known as geodetic control points ). They typically then log their finds online. Like geocaching, the activity has mainly become popular in… …   Wikipedia

  • Benchmarking e-learning — Benchmarking is a management tool that has been applied in many areas of business but it is only in 2005 06 that there has been immense growth in its application specifically to university use of educational technology, initially in New Zealand ( …   Wikipedia

  • Benchmarking — is the process of comparing the cost, time or quality of what one organization does against what another organization does. The result is often a business case for making changes in order to make improvements.Also referred to as best practice… …   Wikipedia

  • Benchmark — may refer to: *Benchmark (surveying), a point of reference for a measurement *Benchmark (crude oil), a reference for and discussion of cost and/or pricing of petroleum, such as Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate in terms of benchmarks based… …   Wikipedia

  • Benchmarking — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El benchmarking es un anglicismo que, en las ciencias de la administración de empresas, puede definirse como un proceso sistemático y continuo para evaluar comparativamente los productos, servicios y procesos de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • benchmarking — A method of measuring USPS processes against those of recognized leaders. It helps establish priorities and targets leading to process improvement. It is undertaken by identifying processes to benchmark and their key characteristics; determining… …   Glossary of postal terms

  • Benchmark (computing) — This article is about the use of benchmarks in computing, for other uses see benchmark. In computing, a benchmark is the act of running a computer program, a set of programs, or other operations, in order to assess the relative performance of an… …   Wikipedia

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