caddie o caddy

caddie o caddy
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Diccionario español de neologismos. 2013.

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  • caddie — (also caddy) ► NOUN (pl. caddies) ▪ a person who carries a golfer s clubs and provides other assistance during a match. ► VERB (caddying) ▪ work as a caddie. ORIGIN originally Scots, denoting a gentleman who joined the army without a commission,… …   English terms dictionary

  • caddie — 1. caddie [ kadi ] n. m. VAR. caddy • 1895, 1900; mot angl., du fr. cadet ♦ Au golf, Garçon qui porte les clubs du joueur. ⇒ cadet (6o). Des caddies, des caddys. ⊗ HOM. Cadi. caddie 2. caddie [ kadi ] n. m. • 1952; nom déposé; de caddy, mot angl …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • caddy — 1. caddie [ kadi ] n. m. VAR. caddy • 1895, 1900; mot angl., du fr. cadet ♦ Au golf, Garçon qui porte les clubs du joueur. ⇒ cadet (6o). Des caddies, des caddys. ⊗ HOM. Cadi. ● caddie ou caddy nom masculin (anglais caddie, du français cadet)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • caddie — or caddy noun (plural caddies) Etymology: French cadet military cadet Date: circa 1730 1. Scottish one who waits about for odd jobs 2. a. one who assists a golfer especially by carrying the clubs b. a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Caddie — Ein Caddie (amerik. Caddy) ist eine Person, die beim Golfspiel die Schlägertasche trägt und dem Spieler vor allem als Berater bei der Schlägerwahl und beim Lesen von Grüns dient. Caddies sind wichtiger Bestandteil bei Profi Turnieren; im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • caddie — I. /ˈkædi / (say kadee) noun 1. Golf an attendant hired to carry the player s clubs, find the ball, etc. 2. a person who runs errands, does odd jobs, etc. –verb (i) (caddied, caddying) 3. to work as a caddie. Also, caddy. {French cadet cadet} II …  

  • caddie — /kad ee/, n., v., caddied, caddying. n. 1. Golf. a person hired to carry a player s clubs, find the ball, etc. 2. a person who runs errands, does odd jobs, etc. 3. See caddie cart. 4. any rigidly structured, wheeled device for carrying or moving… …   Universalium

  • Caddie (Golf) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Caddie. ██████████ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Caddy (disambiguation) — Caddy or Caddie usually means caddy, a person who carries a golfer s bag of clubs, and/or selects a club for a golfer, and always must know all the rules and regulations of golf, and must be able to give the golfer in question advice on what club …   Wikipedia

  • caddie — caddie, caddy Caddie (originally Scottish) is a golf attendant; caddy is a container for tea …   Modern English usage

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